Friday, April 25, 2014

How to Migrate Payroll Fast Formula From one instance to other

<!--[if gte mso 9]> Anil Bejugam Blog Anil Bejugam 3 70 2014-04-25T11:17:00Z 2014-04-25T12:27:00Z 1 427 2437 20 5 2859 12.00 <![endif]
How To Migrate Fast Formulas From One Instance To Another Instance

There are couples of ways to migrates Oracle Payroll fast formulas from one instance to other instance.  We will discuss here only oracle suggested approach.
Before going to that one should know structure of Fast Formula, and how it stored in Database updating Date tracking and corrections things
Actually there are two components in Fast formula
<![if !supportLists]>1)    <![endif]>Formula Definition
Formula definition is simple; it has Name, description, Formula Type, legislation code, Business group, effective Start date, and Effective end date
<![if !supportLists]>2)    <![endif]>Formulas Text (i.e. SQL or PL/SQL script written in text area to write the logic.)
Text is to control or validate formula and it has some series of pl/sql statements to validate and calculate actual value

Fast formulas are stored in FF_FORMULA_F table, formula text also stored in same table,  one can think what happens if I insert record directly into this table, yes you can insert but after inserting you have compile the formula then only it works., but I am not sure this method and oracle also not recommends this method. So don’t try this
Date track mode
If you update record as date track mode with new effective date, it internally creates new record with same formula_id and end date old record one day before new effective date, so for each date track mode there will be one record in FF_FORMULA_F table
Correction Mode
Whenever you update fast formula in correction mode, it will be update FF_FORMULA_F table even though there is change in effective date and effective end date
How to migrate from one instance to other
<![if !supportLists]>1)   <![endif]>Copy the original formula text to a text file and name it Anil_Formula.txt for example
<![if !supportLists]>2)   <![endif]>In another text file on two lines

update ff_formulas_f set formula_text = :formula where formula_name = 'TEST_FORMULA' and effective_start_date = to_date('19-09-2008', 'DD/MM/YYYY')
LOCAL Anil_Formula.txt

Save the file as Anil_Formula.ctl
If it is new formula or date track mode then write insert script, if it is correction mode then write update command
For Date track mode always use same formula_ID, formula_name, type, and business group Id and legislation code

Note: Write update command in one line only
<![if !supportLists]>3)   <![endif]>In UNIX , in the same directory where .txt and .ctl are located

Run the following commands

$FF_TOP/bin/FFXMLC apps/apps 0 Y LOCAL Anil_Formula.ctl

* This command will upload the formula .
* Check the log file generated for any errors.

Now run the following command to compile the formula

$FF_TOP/bin/FFXBCP apps/apps 0 Y %% 'TEST_FORMULA'

* Check the log file generated for any errors.
<![if !supportLists]>4)   <![endif]>Query the formula in Write Formula screen and verify that Formula is uploaded and compiled
<![if !supportLists]>5)   <![endif]>Try this in a test instance, and when satisfied with the methodology you may be able to automate
it a bit more to make it more streamlined.

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