Sunday, January 10, 2010

Accelerator keys(Hot Keys) in E-business suite

Accelerator keys bypass menu and page navigation, and perform an action directly, as if the user has pressed an action/navigation button or link. Accelerator keys are also commonly called "hot keys". Common accelerator keys in a Windows application, such as Internet Explorer, are Ctrl+O for "Open" and Ctrl+P for "Print".

Below are the oracle Standard Hot Keys, Same can be viewed using Help menu.

Table of common default Forms keystrokes on Microsoft Windows
Action -------------------> Key Stroke
Save/Commit -----------> Ctrl + S
List of Values------------> Ctrl + L
Count Query-------------> F12
Enter Query -------------> F11
Execute Query ----------> Ctrl + F11
Cancel Query------------->F4
Edit------------------------->Ctrl + E
Clear Field----------------> F5
Clear Record-------------> F6
Clear Block---------------> F7
Clear Form---------------> F8
Delete Record-----------> Ctrl + Up
Insert Record------------> Ctrl + Down
Duplicate Field----------> Shift + F5
Duplicate Record-------> Shift + F6
Next Field----------------> Tab
Next Record-------------> Down Arrow
Next Set of Records (Same as Page Down)àShift + F8
Next Block---------------> Shift + Page Down
Previous Field-----------> Shift + Tab
Previous Record --------> Up Arrow
Previous Block----------> Shift + Page Up
Scroll Down (Same as Shift + F8)
Page Down---------------> Scroll Up
Page Up-------------------> Return
Print----------------------> Ctrl + P
Update Record------------> Ctrl + U
Exit-----------------------> F4
Block Menu---------------> Ctrl + B
Display Error-------------> Shift + Ctrl + E
Display list of Keys-------> Ctrl + K
Window Help-------------> Ctrl + H
List Tab Pages-----------> F2
E-Business Suite provides profile 'Forms Keyboard Mapping File'. To run a new mapping file, specify the complete path in addition to the filename for the profile. When running Oracle Forms through the E-Business Suite Professional User Interface, the new mapping file will be used.

Patches applied

There are two tables that contain information about patches applied to your Oracle E-Business Suite applications:

AD_APPLIED_PATCHES contains the list of patches that were directly applied.
AD_BUGS contains the list of all the patches that were directly applied or were contained in the patches that were directly applied.
For example, if you are trying to find out if a certain pre-requisite patch has been applied, query AD_BUGS. If you are trying to find
out patches applied in a date range, query AD_APPLIED_PATCHES.

FROM ad_bugs
WHERE bug_number = 'patch_number‘;

FROM ad_applied_patches
WHERE patch_name = ‘patch_number‘;
Replace patch_number with the number of the patch you want to check.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

google 4 things at once

Ever wanted to google four things at once?

Well, now you can! - for true power searchers. Our power searching level is over

Try it out yourself

Thanks Google.